Adoptable Dogs



Adoption Update on Tucker

Adopted on October 21, 2022

About Tucker

Tucker, wearer of sweaters and claimer of laps. This cute little dude thinks he is the king on high- little does he know he’s just up high because of the human’s arms he is currently being carried in (and he wouldn’t have it any other way). Half the time he ends up being carried because he gets a l.i.t.t.l.e snarky with the other dogs, but that’s only because he’s a middle-aged guy who knows the rules and isn’t afraid to enforce them. That being said, he still does enjoy little dog romp and run play time at the park with the others, he just has to keep up the sassitude for appearances.

Tucker is a tiny cutie patootie and he knows it. We are sure he will have little trouble lassoing someone’s heart and wiggling his way into their life and home.

Let us know your interest in Tucker